Spanish Baby Names And Meaning-Girls-S

Spanish Baby Names And Meaning-Girls-S

Spanish Baby Names And Meaning-Girls

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Spanish Baby Names And Meaning- Girls-S

Spanish Baby Names And Meaning-Girls-S Gender Meaning
Sabah Girl Sabah originates in Arabic language and means "forenoon". Sabah is the name of a state in Malaysia, as well as the name of a Turkish newspaper.
Sabina Girl Sabina originates in Latin language and means "from the Sabine tribe". The Sabines were an Italic tribe in ancient Italy. Until today, Sabina is the name of a region in Italy, named after the Italic tribe. Sabina was the name of several saints and is also the name of several places in the United States and outside them. In some countries it also functions as a surname.
Sabra Girl Sabra originates in Hebrew language and is taken from the name of a cactus. Sabra is a term which describes a Jew born in Israeli territory and was used as an allusion. The cactus is thorny on the outside, and sweet and soft on the inside, just like the Israeli Sabra are tough on the outside but sensitive on the inside.
Sada Girl Sada probably originates in Arabic language and means "good luck". However, some sources suggest a Japanese origin and the meaning "pure one"
Sade Girl Sade probably originates in Yoruba language and means "honor bestowes a crown". The name was popularized by the British Nigerian singer Sade
Saffron Girl Saffron originates in Arabic language and refers to a spice, a type of Crocus flower, or a shade of orange-yellow color. As a spice, saffron is widely used in different cuisines around the world. It can also be used as a fabric dye and in perfumery. Additionally, it has many potential medicinal uses.
Sakakawea Girl Sakakawea is another version of the name Sacagawea. Sacagawea originates in Native American languages and means "dragging the boat". This was the name of a legendary woman from the Lemhi Shoshone tribe, who joined the Lewis and Clark Expedition in the Western United States as an interpreter. As a feminine given name it is very rare in the United States these days.
Sally Girl Sally originates in Hebrew language and means "princess, lady-like". It is a diminutive of the name Sarah. In the Bible, Sarah was the wife of Abraham and the mother of Isaac. She was described as a woman of great beauty. She is also an important person in the Koran and an honored woman in the Islamic faith. The name became popular in the 17th century and has been popular ever since
Sandra Girl Sandra originates in Greek language and means "protector of humanity". Most likely, it is a diminutive of the name Alexandra, possibly Cassandra. In the U.S., it was very popular in the 1950s. Alexandra is a feminine form of Alexander. Saint Alexandra was a martyr of the Diocletianic persecutions. Throughout history, there have been many members of royalty given the name Alexandra. In Greek mythology, Alexandra was a by-name of the goddess Hera
Salome Girl Salome originates in Hebrew language and means "peace, peaceful". In the Bible, Salome is the daughter of Herodias and she is portrayed as a dangerous seductive woman, lighthearted and foolish. It is also the name of Oscar Wilde's play, which was later on made into an opera by Richard Strauss

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